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Done - 3.0 Manually trigger Clipboard Lookups

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by iMatt, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    The clipboard lookup functionality is triggered when you "resume" using the Equipd Bible.

    The typical workflow is that a user is in another app, like a PDF reader, they copy a scripture reference from the PDF, and then switch back to the Equipd Bible which automatically detects the scripture reference in the clipboard and looks up the scripture for the user.

    However when the Equipd Bible is open in Split View, the "resumed" trigger is not activated - because the app is already opened and sitting there. Thus the clipboard is not read, and you don't get the option to lookup the scripture.

    This task is about creating a way to manually trigger the clipboard lookups.

    This manual trigger could also provide the option for the user to disable the automated clipboard lookups, and always manually trigger lookups when required.
  2. iMatt

    iMatt Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    This is now complete. You can trigger a manual Clipboard Lookup from the top/right action menu. This is available in Split Screen mode as well.

    Detect Scriptures in Clipboard.png Manual Clipboard Lookups - Split Screen.png

    Some details for those interested...

    When the app is resumed from the background and a scripture is auto-detected in the clipboard, Equipd Bible will always ask for confirmation that you want to lookup the scripture. e.g. "I located this scripture in your clipboard - do you want to look it up?"

    However with the manually triggered lookups, it is assumed the user is pressing the "Detect Scriptures in Clipboard" button because they know that there is a scripture there ready to go - i.e. just get on with it. In this case it will not ask for confirmation. Instead...
    1. If there is a valid scripture located in the clipboard it will immediately look it up. No confirmation.
    2. If there is no valid scripture found, or the clipboard is empty, it will tell you "No scriptures were located in the clipboard".
    3. If there is a valid scripture found, and you are already reading that exact same scripture, then it will simply do nothing at all.

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